The planets in our solar system are growing!

Neal Adams


Original version






Comic book legend Neal Adams, who is currently creating a six part series of Batman, discussed his research on a new model for the Universe. His theory proposes that the Earth, and by extension, all moons and planets, expand in size from the inside as they age. The bottom of the ocean is only between 70 to 180 million years old, said Adams. He hypothesized that Earth was originally ¼ its current size, and that the tectonic plates fit perfectly together on this smaller world which had significantly less areas of water. 600 million years ago Jupiter was also smaller, he said, and thus larger meteors came into the inner solar system, hitting Mars and our moon (as evidenced by their craters). Further, his notion of a growing universe negates the Big Bang theory, and he outlined how a solar system could come into existence as matter is attracted to a sun's electromagnetic field.

Watch Neil's amazing video's here proving his theory right:


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Dear geologists

40 years ago your discipline was in a position to lead all of science into a new age of discovery but you wimped out. You, basically, had no balls. You could have given a growing Earth theory an open chance for a complete examination, but you closed your doors.

WORSE, you accepted subduction, a theory that has not been seen or proved for all these 40 years, as gospel out of fear.
Why did you do it?

You were bullied into it. But worse again you allowed yourselves to be bullied shame!
Nothing, nothing in the "proofs" of subduction is there that can't easily be explained by another concept within the plate tectonics.

You will be the laughed at generation of geologists who believed in the subduction theory. Just like those who believed the Sun went around the Earth or the Earth was flat and you could fall off the edge. You are the duped generation of geologists. Let me rip at your heart and brain for a few minutes, and give you a chance at redemption. As a geologist did you ever sit and contemplate a group of geodes?
Some, cut apart, or one, simply together, as a rock? Fascinating, aren't they?
Humble things, geodes? Hmmmmm?

What if I told you that a geode was a model for the Earth, all planets, moons and even suns?
I mean even without deep discussion, you do see the similarities yes? They're round for the most part. They have a crust of many types of material. Then under that crust it's more crystal, but the crystal is randomly angled as if it were adjusting to new random angles, but further in the angles are clearly pushing outward (and inward) perpendicular to the surface, unlike the near-surface angles.
These crystals, as you know, are straight sided like, say, basalt or iron. Straight-sided crystals aiming outward are in an odd place being in a ball. Because the ball shape resists the straight sided being larger on the outside, smaller on the inside. So the crystals are irregular lengths going inward. They all can't grow inward regularly, can they? They would compress tighter and tighter. So they accede to their neighbor longer shafts going in.

Yes, molecules do add to the inner ends creating compression and having no inward release they must push outward. This is growth without life! (A stepping stone for life, perhaps.) Now this is physics, of course, and you geologists don't talk to physicists much, so you wimp out.
They would tell you if straight sides grow within a sphere, inward they will push outward and as a result the geode will grow outward!
So, a geode grows!
It does? It must!! That's physics!!!

Well, how do you get geodes otherwise? They are not naturally occurring rocks, are they? In fact are rocks naturally occurring rocks? No. There is a process and events that lead to the creation of rocks. Sedimentary action and cooling of magmic or volcanic material. What about silicate growth?
So geodes? Well we have similar occurring crystal in caves growing. Well, yes in fact, these crystals are characterized as growing. That is how we believe they got there like sugar crystals on a stick, or like salt crystals underground. They grew, well, added molecules, or atoms, and grew. Otherwise, how would they get there? The molecules float through water or air and attach to like molecules and grow the crystalline body.

Why do they attach to like molecules and not just any molecule? How many molecules float by and are allowed to attach? Only one kind attaches. So, geodes must must grow! Or, else how could they get there? They are crystals. I don't know overly much about geodes. I know they grow in swamps. Yes, but they, also, grow in sand and pumice. (Ash.) So it's not water that carries all molecules into geodes. It's air. They float in the air or through the ground like gas.

That's why we don't have iron geodes on Earth. Iron is a heavy atom and there's not enough heat at the surface to "float" an iron atom in the air. This is true about many atoms and molecules. But sodium and chlorine gas will rise up within the upper Earth and form salt crystals to gather in lobes underground.
As to iron if iron atoms are, let's say, made or produced in space with out a gravity to "pull them down" (A meaningless term in space.) they will float and assemble into iron geodes in space, and grow like all geodes from the inside. We call this an iron meteorite.

How do we get iron atoms in space? Well I'm afraid you have to bring a physicist into the discussion, which you won't, so don't worry about it. Assume iron atoms in space. You've got iron geode meteorites! Oh, your friends say iron meteorites come from uh blown up planets? I'm sorry, I ah wasn't sure I heard that right. Somebody blew up a planet? "Ming The Merciless", or "Darth Vader"? Maybe it's that rogue planet that once crashed into Earth and gouged out our Moon and left that big hollow place around Asia and Africa. There's one planet on each electro magnetic line around the Sun except for our planet. Asteroid belt line. Jupiter doesn't seem to be letting that potential planet assemble.

There's ah no planet missing. But what would blow this mystery planet up Oh I see you're punking me. Nuff said, I get it. Do you believe planets only exist in orbits around the Suns? Or am I an idiot? Otherwise there aren't . Rrrrrreally planet sized things are there? Some big meteorites in random orbits perhaps, but planets to be blown up? No! It's silly! Meteorites grow like geodes. There's an empty center space inside inside of all meteorites did you know that? And all the material grows outward. Outward, like with a geode! You ever look at a cross section of a meteorite etched by acid, so you can see the crystal formation? As the meteorite gets bigger and bigger the crystal growth looks more and more pushing outward, in a more and more organized way. More like a geode. In cold space how would a meteorite grow? You've seen crystalline growth haven't you?

Let me ask you, geologist, an iron meteorite picks up an iron atom not a clump, just a single atom. Does the atom, as a gas, (Which it is, right?) sit on the surface or will it follow gravity to the center of the meteorite at the geocentral core to attach to the growing iron crystal there.
By the way, geologist, did you know that meteorites have an outer skin? A skin, just like a geode.
Rocks don't have skins do they, fellows? Earth and all planets, moons and suns have skins, don't they?
Would you like more? Drop me a note.


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